
Friday, July 6, 2007

Today was actually a nice day. It was almost something back to my normal day. I have a heck of a time trying to get back into my old routine. And now my daughter is off for the summer. We went to the library and then we went to the park and played. I got the latest Harry Potter book, The Half Blood Prince so I will be ready when the new one comes out. I have been reading the buzz on the book and I am wondering what will happen. There is no way that they will keep the ending secret because it is her last book. Who knows though may be she'll surprise us. Go girl power!!! (I have nightmares while reading Harry Potter but never from Stephen King...weird eh?)

So here is my quiz for the day. I am always wondering about past lives. If it is true and what I was....

You Were a Parrot

You are a master of language, and you use your wit to mock and tease others.
But you are also wise, and you often think carefully before you speak.

I'm deathly allergic to birds...I wonder if this is why?? Let me know what you are???

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