The Squawkers Maccaw and my daughter....  

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Yup....I actually went out and bought one of these Squawkers MacCaw's...actually I bought two. One for each of my kids. We haven't even had it for 24 hours yet and my daughter treats it like a real bird! She says, "Kisses" and it kisses her. I took my sons and cuddled with it and it cooed!!

Back in 2005, I got really almost died sick. We had two doves, Dory (after Finding Nemo and Ellen Degeneres) and Drew (the winner of Big Brother that year). The kids loved to play with them. But when we found out that it was the birds that was making me sick we had to get rid of them. I guess it's never really been the same around here without them.

So now the MacCaw's have taken daughter wanted to tape a commercial with him for my new .com. So here it is....she says..."I like to visit and also mommy loves milo ventimiglia"....PRICELESS!!

BTW...visit my new .com.... Taylor's Entertainment News.

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