Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My luck is really bad lately!! I can't even tell you how many bad things have happened to me since December. And now the latest?? My site was hacked into and I have nothing left.

What would make someone do that to another person? Why hurt them like that? (I have learned the work backup now...but regardless...this shouldn't have happened!)

I have some content that I am really sad is Heath Ledger tribute things...I will never get them back!! And my first interview I ever did, with emzy.collins.

You know that isn't the worse of it though...I went to get my flu shot yesterday and I was going into the grocery store. And it was getting robbed!! OMG! I think I have "make trouble around me" written on my forehead!!!

I hope everything can settle down for me...

But until then check me out at my old blog...I am setting up camp there until my .com is settled...
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1 comments: to “ MY CRAPPY LUCK!!!

  • ~nm
    March 13, 2008 at 1:37 a.m.  

    OMG! Iwould have cried my eyes out if mine would have been hacked.

    How do you back up your blog (posts, comments, pictures..everything!!) on blogspot? Please do tell me!

    Write to me at


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