So here it is...  

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So today I had to take a brain test. About a year ago I had these chest pains and my hand went numb and my left eye lost about 45% of it's vision. So I have been to doctors and I've had a MRI and a CT scan and still they can't find out what's wrong. I finally got referred to an MS clinic to get tested to see if I have that. The MS doctor said she was pretty confident that it wasn't MS but she would be willing to just test me one more time because an amount of time has passed and the symptoms haven't went away.

So the first test she has got me going to is the Evoked Potential test. They put these paddy type things to your scalp. They don't hurt. And you look at this screen that has blocks that rotate to different colors. It is supposed to measure how long until your brain "fires" an electric charge. So if it isn't getting through or it is taking longer they can find that out. I was really scared but hey it was painless! Now I wish I could say the same for my hysterectomy.

I won't get the results of these tests until after my MRI...It's scheduled for a week or so after my hysterectomy.

The question for the day is:

When was the last time you were at the hospital?

Have a good night...KEEP SMILING

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