Here I am today...  

Monday, June 4, 2007

Today is Monday again. My son and I went to Dairy Queen I was just dying for the waffle blizzard that I had seen on the commercial. For once the craving was actually statisfied. I walked all the way home from there because I'm sure that was an extra 1000 calories I didn't need. It was so nice out and now it looks like it is going to rain. My weekend wasn't too husband and I had a long talk. He thinks I spend too much time on the computer. Most of the time I am either looking for a Freelance job (not like I don't have enough of them) or promoting my blogs. I have signed up with some really good traffic increasing sites. (No I'm not being paid to say this.) If you have the time you should sign up to LinkReferral, all you need to do with them is surf 30 sites a day on their network and they have thousands and thousands to choose from and comment on five of them. But it also works the other way too...I have gotten alot of good suggestions about my site. If you would like to sign up click on my referral button.

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