He's Watching....
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Try and watch this without laughing!!!
He is way too cute...I want one!
This is really funny...this was in my email box....
After the last annual calculations of your fiscal activity we have determined that
you are eligible to receive a tax refund of $873.20.
Please submit the tax refund request and allow us 3-9 days in order to
process it.
A refund can be delayed for a variety of reasons.
For example submitting invalid records or applying after the deadline.
To access the form for your tax refund, please click here
Note: For security reasons, we will record your ip-address, the date and time.
Deliberate wrong inputs are criminally pursued and indicated.
Internal Revenue Service
Okay, I'm not really smart...but I think this is a scam!!! First of all I'm not American ... I'm CANADIAN!!! And why would I submit my tax forms when I never went through them to get my taxes done? At least they should have put a higher refund....
These people are getting really fancy now adays!!!
Posted in Canada, Odd Things by Taylor Blue | 2 comments
Posted in family, family game, kids by Taylor Blue | 0 comments
Posted in animals, Cute Pictures, Dogs, Odd Things by Taylor Blue | 7 comments
Posted in Cute Pictures, funny, listening, Odd Things by Taylor Blue | 3 comments
This is something that my nightmares are made of!!!
AN 81-year-old man in the small Chilean village of Angol shocked his grieving relatives by waking up in his coffin at his own wake, local media said today.
When Feliberto Carrasco's family members discovered his body limp and cold, they were convinced the octogenarian's hour had come, so they immediately called a funeral home, not a doctor.
Mr Carrasco was dressed in his finest suit for the wake and his relatives gathered to bid him a final farewell.
"I couldn't believe it. I thought I must be mistaken and I shut my eyes," Mr Carrasco's nephew Pedro told the Ultimas Noticias newspaper.
"When I opened them again, my uncle was looking at me. I started to cry and ran to get something to open up the coffin to get him out."
The man who "rose from the dead" said he was not in any pain and only asked for a glass of water.
Local radio also surprised listeners by announcing a correction to Mr Carrasco's death announcement, saying the news had been premature.
I have always been scared of something happening to me like that at a funeral. And this story doesn't help my fear at all...are you scared of anything silly???
Posted in death, funeral, Odd Things, questions. answers by Taylor Blue | 1 comments
By Barbara A. Clark
The Spirited Strider
Do you struggle with getting your children to eat those healthy vegetables? Here are ten tips I found to be successful in raising two children who now eat most vegetables, regularly have soup and salads with their meals and are open to new foods.
1. Start early. Recent research by Forestell & Mennella published in the December, 2007 edition of Pediatrics indicates that breastfed babies whose mothers eat certain foods consistently will more likely have children who later accept these same foods once weaned. So if you eat healthy vegetables while you're breastfeeding, chances are that your baby will recognize the taste later and enjoy it, too.
2. Introduce the vegetables with a positive attitude. A recent study by Lumeng & Cardinal published online on the May 17, 2007 edition of Chemical Senses found that serving foods with a positive message increases the ability of the child to better remember the taste and to rate it higher in taste value. So remember to say, "Yummy!" when serving those vegetables and serve with a smile.
3. Always introduce vegetables before fruits. It's human nature to love sweet tasting things, so when introducing your baby to solid foods, start with vegetables first. One vegetable at a time is a good idea. Tip: Don't start with peas or carrots: they are naturally sweet so your child will probably love them anyway.
4. Be patient, consistent and persistent. If your baby makes a face when you serve that spoonful of green beans into his or her mouth, don't give up! Be patient. Your baby will eat it eventually. Too often parents get frustrated or are in a hurry so they move on to the fruit. Take your time and try again.
5. As children get older, make it a habit to start your largest meal with a home-made soup made of nutritious vegetables. If there is a vegetable that your child doesn't like, consider putting the soup into a blender and making a puree out of it. You can always reserve some veggies that the kids love and add to the puree when you serve it. My children loved potatoes and carrots, so I would reserve a few to add to the puree to make it look appetizing. My kids always loved the soups I made, and little did they know they had vegetables that they normally would not eat alone.
6. Be a good role model. Don't start the habit of serving different menus for everyone in your household as you'll end up with a household of picky eaters (and give yourself a whole lot of extra work on top of it!). If you expect your child to eat the vegetables, you should be eating them, too. Children learn from their parents, so model the behavior you wish to produce in your child.
7. Involve your children in the meal-making process. This is a wonderful family-bonding time and children love pretending their grown-up. Being a part of the process increases the chances that your kids will eat it later, too.
8. If you must, find creative ways to "decorate" your vegetables by creating artwork out of the food.
9. Serve salads regularly with your meals and introduce your kids to low fat dressings at an early age.
10. If you garden, involve your children in the entire process of tilling, planting, and picking the wonderful vegetables. They will be more excited about eating the finished product and it's a great family bonding time, too!
Posted in eating vegetables, parenting tips, picky eaters, vegetables by Unknown | 3 comments
I had to share this cute picture I found. I grew up around pigs most of my life. I can't say I ever wanted to do that though!! I found out at really young age that pigs bark when they are hungry.
Posted in animals, Cute Pictures, kids by Taylor Blue | 1 comments
Tim Hortons has the best hot chocolate in the world!! I love the place...and yes it can only be found in Canada. (They sell coffee and donuts!!)
When I saw this article I had to include it since it was so "Canadian"!!
Frustrated employees have banded together on the popular social networking site Facebook to give cranky customers the basic rules on how to order their daily fix if they want to get good service.
A trip to Tim Hortons is part of the daily routine for many Canadians, but it doesn't necessarily seem to be the warm and fuzzy experience the commercials make them out to be for people on both sides of the counter.
Facebook hosts more than 500 groups about Tim Hortons, some appreciative, some definitely not.
"This is for everyone who gets fed up with people who don't know what they want, and for workers who have to put up with this everyday. If people would just listen to these rules when ordering the world will be a better place," writes Janice Morgan, who identifies herself as the administrator of one group called Tim Hortons Rules of Ordering and More that has some 3,400 members.
The 80 rules or so spell out how to make your visit to Tims more efficient: "When you want a coffee with no sugar, do not say no sugar it sounds like your saying 'one sugar', " or "If you don't say you want anything in your coffee don't expect to get anything in it, we can't read your mind" and "Stop telling us to 'stir it well' there is no button on the cash register for that."
Although somewhat amusing, the rules are from people who identify themselves as Tim Hortons employees and who clearly wish customers would spend a day in their shoes.
"Almost everyday someone is rude to me and my coworkers," writes someone who identifies herself as Meghan Watts. "We try hard to get everyone's order right, but we do make mistakes from time to time. That's no reason to jump down our throats, yelling at us and trying to get free coffee."
In other Facebook groups such as Poor Souls Who've Worked at Tim Hortons, I Survived Making Ice Caps (iced cappuccinos) in the Summer (Tim Hortons employees) and I worked @(at) Tim Hortons and SURVIVED!, cranky workers share horror stories about testy clients.
A worked identified as Nick Bolarinho wrote that one customer threw his iced cappuccino in his face and yelled "this is shit!" Another says that he still has nightmares about his former Tim Hortons job.
But the coffee slingers are not the only ones airing their beefs on Facebook. Frustrated clients also have their support groups such as Tim Hortons Screws up my Order Every Time and Tim Hortons Service Sucks.
"Once I ordered a medium coffee, muffin and a bottle of water and I actually got two apple juices (in a bag), a large hot chocolate, a bagel and a muffin (not the one I asked for). They even charged me for what I did order...," complains a Kristine Julian from Halifax.
Someone identified as Rachelle Richards sums it up this way: "unhappy employees makes for shitty customer service, and therefore unhappy customers."
But there is a silver lining for Tim Hortons employees. Many Facebook groups, like Addicted to Tim Hortons, are very positive and they seem to always have time for Tim Hortons.
The public affairs director for Tim Hortons didn't return calls Thursday.
How funny is that? I don't think I will look at another Tim Horton's the same again!!
Posted in Canada, Odd Things, Tim Hortons by Taylor Blue | 5 comments
I really need to stop eating cheese before I go to bed. I thought it was a really good snack choice on my part....but I WAS WAY WRONG! I have such weird dreams when I eat cheese before I go to bed. And last night wasn't an exception.
There were people chasing me with guns, I was getting mad at people for not telling me phone numbers and I even was swimming to catch forks in a pond for fun!! There was some cool parts! I lived on the beach and I thought the scenery at night was awesome.
So, tonight, I need to tell myself...NO EATING CHEESE BEFORE BEDTIME!! Do you have anything like that that happens to you?
Posted in dreams, eating by Taylor Blue | 7 comments
Yup....I actually went out and bought one of these Squawkers MacCaw's...actually I bought two. One for each of my kids. We haven't even had it for 24 hours yet and my daughter treats it like a real bird! She says, "Kisses" and it kisses her. I took my sons and cuddled with it and it cooed!!
Back in 2005, I got really sick...like almost died sick. We had two doves, Dory (after Finding Nemo and Ellen Degeneres) and Drew (the winner of Big Brother that year). The kids loved to play with them. But when we found out that it was the birds that was making me sick we had to get rid of them. I guess it's never really been the same around here without them.
So now the MacCaw's have taken over....my daughter wanted to tape a commercial with him for my new .com. So here it is....she says..."I like to visit taylorsentertainmentnews.com and also mommy loves milo ventimiglia"....PRICELESS!!
BTW...visit my new .com.... Taylor's Entertainment News.
Posted in Commercial, Daughters, Milo Ventimiglia, Squawkers McCaw, Toys, you tube video by Taylor Blue | 10 comments
Posted in Daughters, New Years, people in the news by Taylor Blue | 1 comments
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